
This command tell the message author what level they are and how much XP they have.


const xpService = require('../services/xpService')

//Help Text enables the bot to show this command as part of !fsc help command
const helpText = `
  Command: xp
  Description: The 'xp' command can be used to fetch the users current Xp.
  Subcommands: none
    - Input: !fsc xp
      Output: @brianmmdev You are level 15 with 1445xp

module.exports = {
  command: 'xp',
  isEnabled: true,
  fn: async msg => {
    //Get the message authors XP from the database using the xpService
    let currentXp = xpService.getXpForUserId(msg.author.id)
    if(currentXp) {
      //Calculate the message author's level based on XP
      let currentLevel = xpService.getLevelForUserId(msg.author.id)
      //Reply to message author with their current level and XP
      msg.reply(`You are level ${currentLevel} with ${currentXp}xp`)
    } else {
      msg.reply("I cant find you :(")