
This command returns the top 5 members based on their XP from the database.


const xpService = require("../services/xpService");
const Discord = require("discord.js");

//Help Text enables the bot to show this command as part of !fsc help command
const helpText = `
  Command: leaderboard
  Description: The 'leaderboard' command fetches the top 5 users by XP
  Subcommands: none
    - Input: !fsc leaderboard
      Output: 1. Diamond - 9000XP
              2. The Captain - 1337XP
              3. PapaMelee - 1337XP
              4. Brianmmdev - 100XP
              5. Schwab - 0XP

module.exports = {
  command: "leaderboard",
  isEnabled: true,
  fn: async (msg) => {
		//getLeaderboard() returns an array of all users in the database sorted
		//by highest to lowest XP
    let leaderboard = await xpService.getLeaderboard();
    if (leaderboard) {

			//Construct a new MessageEmbed with the data from getLeaderboard()
      let embed = new Discord.MessageEmbed()
            .setTitle("FSC XP Leaderboard")
              `1.  **${leaderboard[0].username}** - ${leaderboard[0].currentXp} **XP**\\n
              2.   **${leaderboard[1].username}** - ${leaderboard[1].currentXp} **XP**\\n
              3.   **${leaderboard[2].username}** - ${leaderboard[2].currentXp} **XP**\\n
              4.   **${leaderboard[3].username}** - ${leaderboard[3].currentXp} **XP**\\n
              5.   **${leaderboard[4].username}** - ${leaderboard[4].currentXp} **XP**\\n`)

			//Reply to the user with the embed.
    } else {
      msg.reply("Oops, the leaderboard has gone missing, try again later.");